Anne Ulku

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Was thrilled to participate in Futuralbum — a collaborative album design project. The idea of the project is for designers to create a reimagined album cover with limitations. These limitations included using images only from the Flickr Internet Archive Book Images collection, as well as using Futura only for all type. 

I reimagined the Flaming Lips album, Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, using a variety of random images found in the Archive. That combined with a lot of color and some simple type made for a quirky and fun newly imagined album cover. Check it out here on the site.

Thanks to Strong Odors for allowing me to participate in this fun project. Check out this nice article written up by GoMedia about the project, holding a few interviews with some of the designers. Here's a little quote from me in answering how music inspires me as a designer:

“Music creates a visual language in my mind. When listening, I imagine abstract graphics, colors, or patterns that might associated with the sounds or story of the lyrics. Music is a way to stretch my imagination as a designer. Even if the design may not be fully executed, listening is still a good creative exercise.”

Here's the collection of imagery I used from the archive, in their raw form.